Als das göttliche Wesen, das Du bist,
• sprichst Du und es ist.
• verlangt es Dich und wird real.
•siehst Du und lässt es in der Realität entstehen/geschehen.
• weißt Du und wirst gewusst.
Ich habe quasi mein halbes Leben geforscht, um herauszufinden, wie wir unsere Leben kreieren. Was wirklich Einfluss hat. Was man sein lassen und was unbedingt tun sollte.
Um in Echtzeit real, spürbar, griffig, möglichst schwierigste Level zu absolvieren, habe ich sehr viel Energie investiert und noch mehr Energie zurückgehalten.
Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen!
Ich teile alles, das ich aus diesem und allen anderen Inkarnationen weiß, mit Dir. Meine gesamte Erfahrung. Alles an Heilung. Alle relevanten Schritte. Alles, das KEINE Wirkung hatte, lassen wir weg. Die Umwege, die umsonst waren und in Sackgassen geführt zeige ich auf und Du kannst sie auslassen.
Und dann kreierst und manifestierst Du nicht länger – nein – Du realisierst.
Du bist Schöpfung und Geschöpf und (be)wirkst Realität.
Seit. Deinem. Anbeginn.
Kap Verde.
Deiner Schöpferquelle gegenübertreten.
The. Divine. Essence. Of. Your. Soul.
As the divine being that you are,
• you speak and it is.
• it demands you and becomes real.
• you see and let it arise/happen in reality.
• you know and are known.
I have spent half of my life researching to find out how we create our lives. What really has an influence. What you should leave alone and what you should definitely do.
In order to complete the most difficult levels in real time, in a way that is real, tangible, tangible and as difficult as possible, I invested a lot of energy and held back even more energy.
The result is impressive!
I am sharing everything that I know from this and all other incarnations with you. My entire experience. Everything about healing. All relevant steps. We will leave out everything that had NO effect. I will show you the detours that were in vain and led to dead ends and you can skip them.
And then you no longer create and manifest – no – you realize.
You are creation and creature and you create reality.
Since. Your. Very. Beginning.
Cape Verde.
Confronting your creative source.
The. Divine. Essence. Of. Your. Soul.
Bewusstsein oder Achtsamkeit kommen immer zum gleichen Schluss.
Egal aus welcher Richtung Du es betrachtest: Heilung. Geldfluss, Geschäft, Wohlstand, Beziehungen, S*xualität, Liebe…
And you may not even realize that this „why-question“ gets the ball rolling. The biggest journey has just begun with this „why“
In your need to find an answer, you will dig deeper and further. For example:
„Why is someone healthier than me? We eat the same food, do the same workouts, meditate a lot…!“
I call this the point ZERO.
Here you are deciding: start over one more time around whith the same questions and another theme – for example relationship. Or you are deciding to stay and…
… and go ONE small step further and ask the new question: WHAT IS IT IN ME?
Then you end up in a place where you are enlightened by the spontaneous knowledge of you in this universe.
There you will see, hear, feel, know:
But once I’ve eventually decided to STAY, there was a huge abilitiy to create my own life experience and an overwhelming knowing of the powers I’m owning und the heartful wisdome how to use all this.
AND finally everything changed into my fulfilment.
ist die Reise zu Dir selbst!
Zu Deiner Schöpferkraft.
Zu Deinem Sein.
Zu den passenden Fragen zu Deinen Zielen.
Is the journey to yourself!
To your creative power.
To your being.
Into the right questions about your goals.
Towards your goals in life, in your relationships, in your business, in your health.
One year and one day.
We start with your „why“ and a trip to Cape Verde. For at least 3 weeks – maybe more – we stay at „the end of the world as we know it“.
On this trip we will collect all spiritual energies and all emotional freedom and all physical impulses you need.
At this point at the latest, all doors are open to you to create your own goddess universe.
Because there is only you.
There is only You and your self.
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